Kid has his eyes set on the "Lady of the Sky" jewel aboard Bell 3, the largest airship in the world. However, a mysterious terrorist group called Red Shamu-neko has hijacked the airship, along with Conan and his allies Kogoro and Ran.
更新信息: 42集全
评分: 3.4
上映日期: 2011-11-02
导演: Jeremy Kieran
演员表: 萨得瓦·协塔贡, 马泰‧梅萨罗什, 克莱奥·西尔维斯特, 李发源, 凯瑞·莎勒, 菲比·尼克尔斯 , 文森·童, 郭刚
类型: Action & Adventure, 动画片, Science
语言: 塔吉克语, 俄语 / 塔塔尔语
地区: 巴拉圭, 泰国 / 中国大陆 / 中国香港 / 美